GIFTED Express: $30/mo Automated Training Coaching Delivered via App

Old Bull Athletics

Partner Nutrition Coaching Portal

Nutrition Coaching Services

Unlock your fitness potential! Our esteemed coaches offer tailored training and nutrition guidance for various strength & performance goals.

Competitor Coaching Services

1-on-1 Coaching Services • Training Templates • GIFTED Express - $30/mo Automated Training Coaching Delivered Via GIFTED Coaching App.

How Can We Help You Reach Your Health / Fitness Goals?


Your One Stop Shop

For all things nutrition.

GIFTED HQ is excited to work with Old Bull Athletics as their premier partner for Nutrition Coaching Services.

Our team of expert coaches have guided over 3,000 clients to help them reach their health & fitness goals via comprehensive meal planning and macro tracking.  Sign up today and let our team help you reach your full potential.

Our mission is to help you achieve your health & fitness goals through personalized nutrition coaching services to supplement your current Training Coaching. Nutrition plans are developed based on a thorough assessment of your current dietary habits, lifestyle, and health/fitness goals.

Your coach will then work with you to identify any areas of improvement in your diet and help you make sustainable changes to reach your desired outcome.  Hover over a coach’s picture below for their bio.

Nutrition PARTNER Team


Ryan Zeisloft

Nutrition Coach

Jeremy DeSantis

Nutrition Coach

Anthony Plaza

Nutrition Coach

Steven Tran

Nutrition Coach

Ryan Zeisloft

Nutrition Coach

Jeremy DeSantis

Nutrition Coach

Anthony Plaza

Nutrition Coach

Steven Tran

Nutrition Coach

Jason Holt

Nutrition Coach

Kerri Harris

Nutrition Coach

Caroline Beebe

Nutrition Coach

Samantha Gusumano

Nutrition Coach

Join the best team!

Schedule a 30-Minute Needs Analyis Call With Coach Kerri Harris

Interested in coaching services but unsure where and how to start?  Kick off your journey with a Needs Analysis Consult Call with Coach Kerri Harris.

Goal Review

During this call, Kerri will take inventory of your current health & fitness status and outline a plan of how to best reach your goals.

Coaching Rebate

If you decide to move forward with coaching services after the call, the cost of the consult call will be subtracted from your first payment.​


What Kerri's Clients Say

Don’t take it from us, listen to what Kerri’s clients have to say about our her and her services!


Question for Coach Kerri?

Have a question for Coach Kerri? Fill out this form and she will get back to you as soon as possible!